
Thursday 19 September 2019

beach clean up

In the morning we had tuakana hui and after Te Maunga left, we had to get In lines and call 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, all the way down to the end. I don’t know why, maybe so we can track how many people are coming to the beach. We were going to the beach to do a beach clean-up.  When we got to the footpath, there were so many people, When we got there I had already found five pieces of rubbish. We were told to put gloves on and find a buddy. My buddy was Reminis. Reminis got the rubbish bag and then we started collecting rubbish. There was a prize for getting the most rubbish. There were cigarette butts, alcohol, alcohol lids, clothes and  plastic. There was so much rubbish the marine life are lucky we got most of it. The reason why we did this is so we can clean the ocean. I learnt people these days get alcohol and their friends and go to the beach to see the beautiful view, They try not to get caught because it is a liquor ban area. So they put their beer in the rocks and put them in the holes that trees can grow out of. With smoking people just chuck there butts right by the rubbish bin. It might be because they will make a fire in the rubbish bin. That is still no excuse. It is still disgusting.

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